DatePad 2.3 – French language pack

DatePad 2.3DatePad combines the power of a calendar with the ease of a text editor. DatePad is a simple and easy multi-purpose application which can be used in a surprisingly large number of ways.

DatePad 2.3 is now available in the French language! Download the zipfile with the french language pack and extract the files to the directory where DatePad is installed. After extracting the language pack files start DatePad and you will be able to select Français in the File menu, under the Language option.

Many thanks to Michel Thébault who provided this language pack. DatePad is now available in English (default), Dutch, Spanish, Italian and French.

DatePad 2.3 – Italian language pack

DatePad 2.3DatePad combines the power of a calendar with the ease of a text editor. DatePad is a simple and easy multi-purpose application which can be used in a surprisingly large number of ways.

DatePad 2.3 is now available in the Italian language! Download the zipfile with the italian language pack and extract the files to the directory where DatePad is installed. After extracting the language pack files start DatePad and you will be able to select Italiano in the File menu, under the Language option.

Many thanks to Luca Morisi who provided this language pack. DatePad is now available in English (default), Dutch, Spanish and Italian.

Ajebe DatePad 2.3

DatePad 2.3A new and improved version of DatePad is available now! DatePad combines the power of a calendar with the ease of a text editor. DatePad is a simple and easy multi-purpose application which can be used in a surprisingly large number of ways.

The main function of DatePad is to store text which is specific to a certain date or time. In addition to editing text related to years, months, days and/or times and calculating with dates and times this new version can supply you with notifications of upcoming future events.

DatePad is freeware, this means you can download the installer package of the brand new DatePad 2.3 for free. Don’t forget to read more about this version in the documentation.

DatePad, to keep a record of … everything.

DatePad 2.2

DatePad 2.2New and improved! DatePad combines the power of a calendar with the ease of a text editor. DatePad can be used in a large number of ways. It’s main function is to store text which is specific to a certain date. The new version of DatePad has a big number of improvements including a date and time calculator.

DatePad is freeware, this means you can download the zipfile with the installer package of the brand new DatePad 2.2 for free. Don’t forget to read more about this version in the documentation.

DatePad, to keep a record of … the fish you catch and release, the birds you spotted, the shape of the clouds, the change of the weather, the temperature of the water, your bad fortune, the amount of pollen in the air, the medication you take, the food you eat, the amount of alcohol you drink, the family meetings, the dreams you have, the time you spend working, the mistakes you make, what you are working on in a day, the events you visited with your friends, the concerts you visit, the wines you taste, the progress of your hobby, the people you meet, the stories you hear, the news events that effect your life, your luck, the happenings in your family, your relationship with others, the progress of your rehabilitation, the songs you can play on the guitar, the poetry you think of, the ufo’s you see, the things you pray for, the knowledge your gain, the wierd thoughts you have, the money you spend, the money you earn, your sports achivements, the medals you win, the medals you don’t win, the idols you have, the things you find on the beach, the valuables you detect with your metal detector, the times you are using the phone, the websites you find interesting, the notes you just want to write down quickly, the books you read, the things you miss in your life, the happy moments you like to remember, the color that is added to your life, the mistakes your government makes, your secret thoughts and desires, your view of life, what happens in your favorite soap, the amount of gasoline you use and much much more.

DatePad, to keep a record of … everything.

DatePad in the spotlight

Spotlight!One month after its release the new version of DatePad is getting some online attention. DatePad is now available on Simtel,, Freeware-Guide, Playfuls, FreewareHome, Freewareplanet, SofoTex, Freeware World, The Jesus Army, RedTram and even the Spanish Descargarlo and Bajarlo, the Arabic Moshax, the South African Charged and the Asian Onlinedown and 169s.

DatePad is freeware. This means you can download zipfile with the installer package of DatePad 2.1 for free. You can read more about DatePad in the documentation or view the news.

Completely free

An extensive DatePad review was posted the CFS website. DatePad was rated with 5 doves which seems to be a similar rating to all the other software on the website. The last line in the review really made my day :).

Completely free!DatePad is a date-based text storage program for date-specific text (diaries, to-do lists, project management, recording thoughts, etc).

DatePad is an excellent tool for anyone who requires date-based text storage.

We loved!

DatePad is freeware. This means you can download zipfile with the installer package of DatePad 2.1 for free. You can read more about DatePad in the documentation or read the news.

DatePad 2.1

DatePad 2.1New and improved! DatePad combines the power of a calendar with the ease of a text editor. DatePad can be used in a large number of ways. It’s main function is to store text which is specific to a certain date. The new version of DatePad has a big number of improvements and supports multiple users.

DatePad is freeware. This means you can download zipfile with the installer package of the brand new DatePad 2.1 for free. Don’t forget to read more about this version in the documentation.

Google Earth

Onvoorstelbaar! Dat Google Earth is zo’n extreem leuk programmaatje. Lekker inzoomen op bekende plekjes, en aanschouwen dat je met zo’n satelliet beeld inderdaad je huis kan zien staan. Alle adressen van bekenden opzoeken en dan kijken wat de gemiddelde afstand is, kijken naar de Niagara Falls, Las Vegas en alle andere plekjes waar ik reeds geweest ben.

Uiteraard gecheckt of de ESA in Noordwijk (mijn voorheen favoriete werkplek :-p) er goed op staat en het is gewoon allemaal mogelijk terwijl het er ook nog eens bijzonder goed uitziet.

Voortaan geen vakantie meer zonder eerst de buurt te bekijken via de satelliet. Kennis is macht, en met Google Earth wordt onze macht drastisch vergroot. Hoera!


Vandaag heb ik het dan eindelijk gedaan. Mijn ouwe trouwe 10 jaar ouwe pc-tje is met pensioen. Na jaren van trouwe dienst trok de voeding het steeds minder en klapte de internet verbinding er steeds vaker uit. Op zich niet erg, maar lastig als het systeem ook als webserver gebruikt wordt.

Mijn nieuwe webserver is mijn laptopje, 4 keer zo snel, dubbel zoveel geheugen en 5 keer zoveel diskruimte, maar nog niet door de praktijk getest. Waar mijn ouwe pc comment spammers, Perzische hackers, viri en andere narigheid heeft overleeft moet dat nu allemaal nog maar blijken.