Making a nice picture of our kids has turned out to be a very difficult task. The kids need to get dressed, they need to sit still for a while, a they should smile a bit for the camera. All these things can be hard to achieve, but we were lucky and during a moment of relative peace we managed to get some very nice pictures of our boys.
Category Archives: Pictures
Antique picture
Time and more specifically light can significantly alter a picture hanging on the wall. In the Emmastraat there is just such a picture with two little Bergs. Myself and brother Bert, just about to enjoy a delicious birthday cake. De photo used to be a full color picture, and there are still some traces of color left, but it has become a very dull picture indeed.
I wanted to improve the picture because I had noticed that the little Bert in the picture has a huge resemblance to own very own little Alan. Still, for a good comparison we need a good picture.
Before: | After: |
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Pequeño Valiente
Alex had to run, but who walk away with the fame and the glory? That’s right, father and little brother.
(Reportaje fotográfico de la III Carrera Niños con Cáncer Pequeño Valiente (16/10/2016). Hemos querido aportar nuestro granito de arena por una buena causa. Fotógrafo: Ibán López.)
Grandpa, grandma and Alex y Alan
Alex’ third album
For now creating the yearly photo albums for Alex is a tradition I am managing to maintain. Alex is already three years, so it was time for a third album with pictures form his second birthday till his third birthday. The first and second album were received well by all grandfathers and grandmothers so I stuck to the same format.
Alex from two to three years
This post used to have the online version of the photo album, but is is no longer available… sorry.
Grandpa Kees and Nel
A nice warm sun, grandpa Kees, grandma Nel and little Alex. A very nice get-together!
Happy lemon
You should not look a gift horse in the mount. The same goes for a free lemon, and moreover when it is a really happy lemon.
Finally we have achived it. A complete family photo!