Check up

Every year we need to take our car for a checkup, because without checkup we could be a danger on the roads. Yesterday I drove to the car-check area and that did a thorough investigation of our Ibiza. Afterwards we had to pay some money for a little sticker, and now were set for a year.

Well, set for a year, not really. I could move the car forward, but with a lot of problems. After the checkup it seemed like someone removed all the wheels and the engine died at every stop I made. I was able to reach our mechanic with a lot of trouble, having to listen to a good share of criticism being shouted towards me on the way. I think that during the test of the car they have shaken some part from its position (the last test involved a lot of shaking)

This afternoon I will hear the verdict. For me its the first time I went for a checkup of the car, got it checked OK, and left with a wreck and an absolute danger on the road.