New Mexico

Yes, I have arrived in New Mexico. I already went to see some Indian things and the next thing I will do it drive towards the Petrified forest. There are a lot of petrified things around here, like petrified wood and petrified sand dunes.

Because the word petrified resembles the word petrol I used to think that petrified referred to the process where small plants and animals deep under the ground take thousands of years to turn into oil. Now I realize it means that something turns to stone. This knowledge changes also my understanding of the Harry Potter book in which everyone petrifies all the time.

More and more I am beginning to realize that the Indians were a very smart people who really had lives arranged in a very nice manner. I visited Mesa Verde, a kind of hole in the rock-face where the old Indians had constructed a home. It was nice and dry, with a nice view and a source of water nearby. One with nature. If the had problems they just smoked the peace pipe and all the troubles disappeared and it all just didn’t matter. Respect for the Indians.