Chicago beach vs Baywatch

It is my last day here because tomorrow I will continue my journey towards St. Louis. Today I spend a big part of the day just relaxing on the beach reading some of the local literature (eXcalibur – He’s Back, great story!!! By: Marvel)

I really noticed the differences on the beach. In the Baywatch series you always saw people running, bicycling, roller skating, do whatever on the boulevard. Here it is exactly like that, but the difference is in the life guards who could not be more different… In the rare case that the lifeguard is a female they normally wear a coat and they never run across the beach. They just keep standing in some fixed point and when someone enters the water and ventures to deep they just start to shout. Venturing to deep means going further then knee deep. This way for sure no-one will ever drown. If you do manage to enter the water and swim a little bit you need to do it at a prohibited spot. Then if they stop you the lifeguards just call the cops, who show up to give you a fine!

Real lifeguards often wear shorts, unlike the baywatchers.


Today I visited the free zoo in the park right across my little hotel. There were a lot of animals, camels, lions, monkeys, kangaroos, snakes and you name it. What I did note was that a lot of there animals had a really small cage. Many animals had a cage that was actually smaller then the bathroom of my home, and the only thing the animal could do (and did) was walk back and forward in their cage. It was a sad situation.