Happy meal vs. wok

Happy meal!Canary wok!Alex loves to eat food he knows, and if the food comes with a little gift it makes him a very happy boy. Last weekend Alex did not want to go to the Wok. He wanted a happymeal, because he could see the McDonalds right next to the Wok restaurant. After checking with the Wok place it turned out that it would be no problem if Alex entered with his parents and his happymeal and ate it at the Wok.

Once seated at the Wok a few things happened. We were sitting next to a big tank with a few turtles. Enough for Alex to loose interest in his little plastic toy. Still he had his fries and chicken. These were still good.

But then we started getting food. Alex saw his parents with plates full of shrimp, little lobsters, squid, little shells, mushrooms and a little vegetables. This was something Alex needed to try (just like his grandfather), and he didn’t touch his happymeal anymore. It was the first night Alex ate so much that we skipped his milk. He went to bed with his stomach filled to the brim.

In a few month his grandmother and father will be visiting. The perfect reason to go again.