The Spanish life

Life in Spain is really relaxed. Eating and drinking is very important and things are just very very laid back. Meetings that are planned on some fixed hour are always flexible. People showing up half an hour or en entire hour late is more common than people arriving on time.

I like the lifestyle. The only weird thing is that sometimes I feel like I don’t belong here in Spain, and I’m living a weird version of the Spanish life. Everyone speaks a strange language, has different customs and sometimes my world just feels different. I am no longer a tourist but I’m definitely not a Spaniard. It leaves me with a strange feeling.

I look forward to visiting Holland again soon. Afterwards we’ll just have to see and I’ll try and find some work in Spain. It’s going to be an interesting adventure.

Two weeks

Still two more weeks of classes and then I plan to visit Holland for 9 days. I’m looking forward to this visit!!

Having drinks, climbing, rafting?!, visiting family, visiting friends, arranging things, doing some Spanish cooking (Paella and Tortilla), etc. etc. Huuuh!

11 x 6 (66666666666)

In Spanje speelt men geen mens-erger-je-niet, maar parcheese.

Parcheese heeft alleen een vervelende regel. De 3 keer 6 regel. Gooi je drie keer zes, dan moet je een speelstuk van het veld nemen en terug in je huis plaatsen. Op zich niet zo’n punt want 3 keer 6 gebeurt niet vaak.

Tenminste dat dacht ik. Laatst gooide ik 11 keer 6 achter elkaar… Niet normaal meer! En ik gooide de dobbelsteen ook nog eens iedere keer vreemder om maar geen 6 te krijgen, echter zonder het beoogde effect. Maar wat is de kans hierop…

1 x 6: 16,6%
2 x 6: 2,7%
3 x 6: 0,4% (een speelstuk dood)
4 x 6: 0,07%
5 x 6: 0,01%
6 x 6: 0,002% (tweede speelstuk dood)
7 x 6: 0,0003%
8 x 6: 0,00005%
9 x 6: 0,000009% (derde speelstuk dood)
10 x 6: 0,000001%
11 x 6: 0,0000002%

Tsja, een ontzettend kleine kans dus (1 in 5 miljoen?), met als gevolg dat ik weer eens jammerlijk verloor. Misschien had ik beter een ander spel kunnen spelen in een casino en vervolgens de hoofdprijs binnen kunnen slepen.


Rain!Yesterday we were forced to enjoy an entire day of rain. It started the day before yesterday with some very light showers but yesterday the weather made a turn for the worse, and it just rained and kept raining the entire day. No a very nice situation if you only own shirts and don’t even have a coat, let alone an umbrella or a rain coat.

The Spanish people seemed happy though. Not because of the traffic jams, or the water flowing in all the streets, but they were happy with seeing water again after such a long time. Their water supplied had almost been empty.
I hope the drought will return and I’ll be able to enjoy the sun again soon.


Again it is Monday and I find myself back in Madrid. The last two weeks I was on a nice trip visiting the south of Spain. We (Ana, Glori, Sofie and me) rented a nice pepecar and drove a nice tourist route visiting Cordoba, Sevilla, various beaches and Granada.

My next trip will be a weekend in the Netherlands. I wonder if I’ll meet and familiar people in the Berger on Friday night.