
Alan is a source for inspiration for all of us. Every day he inspires us to be the best we can possibly be and to work for a better future.

Even without being physically present his image has inspired an artist, who made this beautiful painting.
Alan in paint!

The painting was inspired by this image:
Alan inspiratie!


Alex three years painting (20150221)!
Alex’s mother was in Barcelona for a congress a couple of days. He missed her a lot, and wanted to make something for when she returned. The result was a beautiful painting of the sun, with grass, the sky, the ocean, a boat, a snail, daddy and a couple of A’s (A for Alex).

Art on the wall

Art on the wall!Who would not like a piece of original art on the wall. I already have my ‘Dre‘, but now it has become a lot easier to get some really unique art.

Using the website ‘Werk aan de muur’ you can browse through thousands of pieces of art and you can even upload your own creations. Once you have found a piece you like you can set a lot of options to get the art exactly as you want, specifying material, size, etc. It is so easy that I already have my own little Adrie Berg art shop.

The Dre!

The Dre! part 2!The Dre! part 1!
The Dre! part 3, the mini!This is it.. A real Dre!, created by the one and only Andrea. It is not yet hanging on my wall because it is fresh from the shop and still needs to dry a bit, but I am already very happy. If you want to know more there is a small ‘making of’, with some more pictures.