Cannabis butter

Today I collected the dried cannabis from my basement and divided the dried branches in small usable parts. These little parts I stored in an airtight box. Still I have quite some leftovers from the big plants I had. These leftovers I will use to make a cannabis butter, which can be used to make a nice cake with a special effect.

The procedure:
The active ingredient of cannabis is called THC and does not dissolve in water. It does however dissolve in animal fat. This is the characteristic we use to make cannabis butter. Make sure you use real butter. Use four times as much butter as the weight of the leaves or plants rests that you want to use. First clean the leaves and the plant parts to make sure it does not contain dust or other contaminants. Put all the leaves and plant parts in a big pan with water and let it slowly cook for about an hour. Add the butter and let it slowly cook for another hour.

Now throw the soup through a sieve and collect the liquid in a second pan. Rinse the sieve with left over plant residue with hot water to collect the ultimate parts of butter and collect all the liquid in the second pan. You can now throw away the plant residue. Put the second pan with the liquid in a cold place like the balcony or in the fridge. After a while the butter will solidify on the surface. Probably the butter will be colored differently and appear much more green. After all the butter has solidified use a spoon to take out the butter and store it in a little jar. You can store this cannabis butter up to months in the fridge.

600 grams

Cannabis!600 grams is the result of my parents cultivation activities. After picking and drying the product is finally ready for consumption. Now only I need to find a market :-). Anyone interested in spending a very long time stoned / high / out of this world?

(the process…)

Aloë Vera

Aloe Vera! Sinds een jaar of 20 ben ik groot cactus fan. De ideale plant. Als je ze een paar weken geen water geeft is er niks aan de hand. Ik heb verschillende soorten en de meeste zijn als klein stekje ooit tijdens een vakantie in spanje geroofd.

Een van mijn cactussen is een enorme aloë vera plant en daarvan wist ik al dat ie soms in de shampoo zit, maar de spanjaarden wisten mij te vertellen dat deze plant ook als een kleine mini-apotheek gebruikt kon worden.

Inmiddels heb ik de recepten al opgevraagd, dus misschien binnenkort hier medische aloë vera adviezen :-p


If was time. Normally a cannabis plant can be harvested late September or early October, and my plant was no exception. First cut the stems. The cut away all the large and small leaves and only leave the dense tops. Leave these to dry for a month. The result was a storage room with a wall full of marihuana and a bare plant ready for the dumpster.

This weekend I will check if the plants at my parents place are ready. Then I will need to think about what to do with a huge(!) amount of marijuana… anyone interested? The easiest will be to sell everything to wholesalers, in order to avoid any hassle. But it’s also fun to convert everything into tasty cake (or brownies) and by selling these… Oh, I have still a month of drying time to think of something. We shall see.

The plant before harvest:
Plant ready for harvest!

The plant now, drying in my storage space:
Drying harvest!Not all branches are neatly stripped of leaves, because that is a lot of work. Half is done very well and the other half I cut away a bit of the leaves and will clean these up when it they’ve dried. These branches are for experimenting on, and maybe I’ll use them to make some butter.
(the plants history…)


This night it was perfect weather and I was a man with a mission. Prevent my father to bake a typical Spanish delicacy while if should be eaten and enjoyed raw. This just had to be prevented. This combination of factors made me bicycle to the emmastraat and what I found exceeded my wildest expectations …

A gigantic plant!!!
Enormous marihuana plant!

Continue reading


Bloem!Mierzoet ruikt ze. De bloem aan mijn bolle cactusje. Normaal zou het niet het vermelden waard zijn, maar er gebeurt nu toch helemaal niks, dus waarom ook niet. :-p

Vage plantjes

Tsja, wat doe je op zo’n prachtige dag.. je stuurt wat post naar Chicago, raakt een beetje verbrand door het in de tuin liggen en het fietsen van Leiden naar Noordwijkerhout en weer terug, je verbaast je over de term ‘schuine kast’ en dat naast mijn directe familie niemand weet wat het is.

Maar ik had vandaag toch nog een bezigheid gevonden die de moeite waard was… fototjes maken van de vage, extreem vage plantjes op mijn balkon…
Vage plantjes!
Nog meer vage plantjes!


I am very proud of my Cannabis plants. Finally I have a potential profitable situation where I have a use for my green fingers. From the plants I have my plan is to try and sell at least one. Maybe as a raw product, or maybe as a prepared good like a cake.

But I recently found out something… I am not alone. Worst even, in my family I am just an amateur, messing around with peanuts , a muddling fool.

Elsewhere in my family cannabis plants are being grown in large production halls, 250 plants at a time. Maybe it is a genetic thing, that gives me the need and drive to grow cannabis. Maybe next year I need to think bigger. I still have a room that I’m not using and an almost empty storeroom.

Think big!