Big box

Box!It arrived! A big box was delivered to my home. I am very happy because I know what is inside. Do you know? The kids will be happy for sure, even though Alan will need to be a bit patient. He is still a little small for this box. Alex will be very happy, as it fits perfectly with the small collection he already has.

My problem now? How do I get a huge box (47cm x 55cm x 40cm) with number 75192, weighing about 15 kilos safely to Spain.


Ondeugend!Alan visited a running event last week. He himself did not run, but his big brother did. Alex ran a nice round for the “pequeno valiente” organization. An organization that helps little kids with cancer. At this event I shot this nice picture of a naughty Alan.

Antique picture

Time and more specifically light can significantly alter a picture hanging on the wall. In the Emmastraat there is just such a picture with two little Bergs. Myself and brother Bert, just about to enjoy a delicious birthday cake. De photo used to be a full color picture, and there are still some traces of color left, but it has become a very dull picture indeed.

I wanted to improve the picture because I had noticed that the little Bert in the picture has a huge resemblance to own very own little Alan. Still, for a good comparison we need a good picture.

Before: After:

Big and healthy

Alan 18 maanden!Alan has visited the doctor for his shots. They also gave him a quick review and everything was okay.

He is big for his age, but his weight is perfect, his size is perfect and basically everything is how its supposed to be. He is a smart little guy, eating very well, moving a lot and very very stimulated (by his big brother Alex).

Alans first year

Alan - 1 year!Alan is getting bigger and bigger. He is already one year and that called for a celebration with cake, presents and lots of attention for little Alan.

His first year passed fast. He is already almost walking and is crawling through the house at record speeds. He has learned to point at things he wants and he laughs when he acts as if he want to give you something and when you try to take it he will quickly take it away for your grasp.

The difference between our two kids are physically not so big. They look very similar but the difference in character could not be bigger. Alan is stubborn, does only what he wants to do, and convincing him to do something takes a lot of effort. With Alex this was a lot easier. Alex never put his finger in a wall-socket, but Alan went straight for the wall-socket at the moment he could crawl just to put his finger in.


While Alex is developing his musical talents his little brother Alan is developing very fast. Alan already crawls to any place in the house at a record speed. Walking is still a little bit to risky, but it won’t take long. Alan is getting up on his feet more and more. When we take Alan for a walk to the park it is not enough anymore to just look around. Alex demands to be taken out of the stroller and be placed in the swing.


Alan already had a well trained neck, but he keeps progressing and is getting stronger all the time. His diet is still limited to only milk, but he is starting to complain, so we let him lick some fruit. He already sucked on a piece of apple, an orange and a pear, and he loved the new flavors.
Alan - Neck

Neck and cabbage

Alex en Alan!Alan is growing very very fast. Like they say in Dutch he’s growing like a cabbage. He is getting bigger by the day and he is getting stronger. We train him sometimes to support his neck and as you can see in the image he is doing nicely.

Alan also spoke his first word. Not the cliche like every other baby, no, Alan didn’t settle for ‘mommy’ but choose his first word very carefully and made his first alliance at the same time. His first word was ‘Alex’.

Alan three weeks

Our youngest son is aready three weeks.

Alan - 3 weeks with Alex

Alan - 3 weeksAlan is doing very well. He is slowly growing and gaining weight. His relation with his big brother is also developing and it looks like it is going to turn out okay. The last couple of weeks have been quite a change for all of us.

We’ll be staying in Madrid for a week more and then we take the plane and head on home.