El Niño

El Nino!El Niño betekent vrij vertaalt ‘het kind’. Volgens de reclames hier moet je minstens één keer per jaar met je kind spelen, dus doe ik dat dan maar, samen met moeder Nel. Dit is ons nummer. Mochten we winnen dan zijn we blij en rijk. Hoe rijk we dan zijn weet ik alleen niet, want die informatie heb ik nog niet kunnen achterhalen, maar ongetwijfeld zal het aardig wat zijn.


ITV!In spain the periodical check of a car is called the ITV and yesterday I had my first experience with this organisation. We went to the building and first had to pay 35 euros. In return we got a stack of papers.

Afterwards we had to drive through a garage where a lot of mechanics were checking cars. We had to stop at three separate parts and three different mechanisc were shouting commands. Breaks, light, windscreen wipers, reverse, hand brake, accelerate, clutch,lots of gas, little gas, etc. All really fast and difficult to follow. I had a translator with me in the car, but for her it also went very fast. In the meanwhile the forms were filled up.

Afterwards the car checked out okay. There were some minor details lik some rust, but we can drive the car one more year. After 5 minutes we got a small little sticker for the windscreen and we were off again.