
2016 Valentine Alex!
Even though Alex is only four he is already conscious about Valentines day and he had worked hard on a beautiful card for a girl in his class.

After lots of coloring, cutting and pasting the result was a very nice card, and after giving it to the girl Alex received a well deserved kiss. Alex was very pleased.

Alan three weeks

Our youngest son is aready three weeks.

Alan - 3 weeks with Alex

Alan - 3 weeksAlan is doing very well. He is slowly growing and gaining weight. His relation with his big brother is also developing and it looks like it is going to turn out okay. The last couple of weeks have been quite a change for all of us.

We’ll be staying in Madrid for a week more and then we take the plane and head on home.


alan-geborenWe are very proud to welcome our new son to the world. Alan was born on the 6th of december, at 11:45. His weight was 3465 gram and his length was 49.5 centimeters.


Alan echo!Our last checkup came acompanied with a date. If all goes well little Alan will see his first light on the 6th of december.


Today we leave for Madrid. The three of us. Ana with her huge belly, Alex and me. We hope to return home at the end of december or the beginning of january. When we return we’ll need four tickets. One for Ana, Alex, Alan and me.

Alex four

Alex - Birthday Alcala!Alex is four years old! Time really does fly. We had some great parties to celebrate Alex’ birthday in Alcala and in Torrevieja. Of course with cake and presents.

During our vacation Alex turned out to be a real fan of the pool and the beach. A very good trait for someone living on an island. Alex loves to swim, dive and jump into the pool. Not only his pool skills have improved the last year, Alex improved in every way imaginable. We are indeed impressed by the little guy.

Alex - Birthday Torrevieja!Next year will be a year with a lot of changes. Alex will get a little brother, and will lose his monopoly on parental attention. Still, we have faith that he will manage to adapt, just like his parents will have to adapt.

The little one in 3D

Pekka in 3d!Things are going well with the little baby and his mother. This time the baby moves a lot, punching, kicking and moving about all the time. His mother even wakes up in the middle of the night because of all the action in her belly. Even in the hospital during a routine checkup they noticed the baby moves a lot.

Maybe it is a sign the child will be a top athlete. Time will tell.

Alex’ third album

For now creating the yearly photo albums for Alex is a tradition I am managing to maintain. Alex is already three years, so it was time for a third album with pictures form his second birthday till his third birthday. The first and second album were received well by all grandfathers and grandmothers so I stuck to the same format.

Alex from two to three years
This post used to have the online version of the photo album, but is is no longer available… sorry.


Alex - Cantabria!This year our holidays took us to the north of Spain. A beautiful area where we visited a lot of different sites. We have seen snow in the mountains, deep caves, beaches, swimming pools, a big zoo, and ancient town centers.

Alex enjoyed the holidays a lot, and it is true that if your child is happy, then the parent is happy. Alex favorite was the pony ride.