
This night it was perfect weather and I was a man with a mission. Prevent my father to bake a typical Spanish delicacy while if should be eaten and enjoyed raw. This just had to be prevented. This combination of factors made me bicycle to the emmastraat and what I found exceeded my wildest expectations …

A gigantic plant!!!
Enormous marihuana plant!

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Bloem!Mierzoet ruikt ze. De bloem aan mijn bolle cactusje. Normaal zou het niet het vermelden waard zijn, maar er gebeurt nu toch helemaal niks, dus waarom ook niet. :-p

Vage plantjes

Tsja, wat doe je op zo’n prachtige dag.. je stuurt wat post naar Chicago, raakt een beetje verbrand door het in de tuin liggen en het fietsen van Leiden naar Noordwijkerhout en weer terug, je verbaast je over de term ‘schuine kast’ en dat naast mijn directe familie niemand weet wat het is.

Maar ik had vandaag toch nog een bezigheid gevonden die de moeite waard was… fototjes maken van de vage, extreem vage plantjes op mijn balkon…
Vage plantjes!
Nog meer vage plantjes!


I am very proud of my Cannabis plants. Finally I have a potential profitable situation where I have a use for my green fingers. From the plants I have my plan is to try and sell at least one. Maybe as a raw product, or maybe as a prepared good like a cake.

But I recently found out something… I am not alone. Worst even, in my family I am just an amateur, messing around with peanuts , a muddling fool.

Elsewhere in my family cannabis plants are being grown in large production halls, 250 plants at a time. Maybe it is a genetic thing, that gives me the need and drive to grow cannabis. Maybe next year I need to think bigger. I still have a room that I’m not using and an almost empty storeroom.

Think big!

The comparison

Comparing plants!During my most recent visit at my parents I was quite unpleasantly surprised by what I found. Their plant was over twice as big as mine. My plant reaches around 21 cm in the air, and my parents plant has exceeded my expectations by reaching almost 43 cm in the air. It is over twice as large! Aargh!

But there is also good news. My plant and my families plant just got company. Imported from the Far East (NL) a new plant has been added to my balcony. It is another type but I expect fun and happiness in encouraging it to grow.

(more plant stories…)

Plant moved

Yesterday I did it. My plant was moved from my window sill to my balcony, because the smell began to be noticeable every now and then.

This afternoon I’ll go and check to see how my father’s plant is doing. I had already noticed that it was doing much better than mine. Her trunk was already twice as thick, it is full time in the greenhouse in the heat, and she has a huge(!) large pot with soil. This can only result in unbeatable enormity.

(more plant stories…)

Plant, the plan

Week 1!
The plant is already one week old, and it looks like the purchase, transport and re-potting were survived without problems. I am planning to post occasional updates covering the entire plant history to this blog. From growing up to my efforts to sell after the harvest :-p. I wonder what will be the outcome.

Little plant

Plants!New this weekend. I got two little plants and I was in luck because they were the last two. This will be a nice test for my green fingers.

In holland it is perfectly legal to have up to five plants.

Binaire plant

Binaire plant!
Dit is ‘m, een deel van mijn binaire plant. Deze plant heeft als vreemde eigenschap dat ie geen blaadjes heeft maar alleen groene takjes, en ieder takje verdeelt zich steeds in twee nieuwe takjes. Een beetje zoals het binaire stelsel dus.

Ooit begonnen als 1 miniem klein takje is het nu al een flink grote plant, dus was het tijd om het plezier te delen. Eén stukje plant zijn reeds verhuist naar Tsjechië (Eliska), en binnenkort wordt ook een stukje geëxporteerd naar Duitsland :-p

Wie weet hoeveel werelddelen deze plant allemaal nog gaat bezoeken.. Als het aan mij ligt worden dat er plenty veel :-p