Alan already had a well trained neck, but he keeps progressing and is getting stronger all the time. His diet is still limited to only milk, but he is starting to complain, so we let him lick some fruit. He already sucked on a piece of apple, an orange and a pear, and he loved the new flavors.
Category Archives: Alan
Neck and cabbage
Alan is growing very very fast. Like they say in Dutch he’s growing like a cabbage. He is getting bigger by the day and he is getting stronger. We train him sometimes to support his neck and as you can see in the image he is doing nicely.
Alan also spoke his first word. Not the cliche like every other baby, no, Alan didn’t settle for ‘mommy’ but choose his first word very carefully and made his first alliance at the same time. His first word was ‘Alex’.
Alan three weeks
Our youngest son is aready three weeks.
Alan is doing very well. He is slowly growing and gaining weight. His relation with his big brother is also developing and it looks like it is going to turn out okay. The last couple of weeks have been quite a change for all of us.
We’ll be staying in Madrid for a week more and then we take the plane and head on home.
We are very proud to welcome our new son to the world. Alan was born on the 6th of december, at 11:45. His weight was 3465 gram and his length was 49.5 centimeters.