De afgelopen twee weken kwamen neer op alleen maar feest. Eerst München, alwaar het oktoberfest en fran en zuza voor vier dagen feest zorgde. Direct hierop aansluitend was het bezoek van de spanjaarden. Gezellig met frank, glori, lucy en ana een vette week gefeest :-). 3 oktober in Leiden roeleerde! Nog een dagje en dan moet ik weer keihard aan het werk.
Category Archives: Everywhere and nowhere
The time has come! I’m off for a nice long weekend partying! Next week I’ll tell you about the results.
Que vida más perra
It was truely a great week. Not only did I get to visit a great city, but I also got to live the spanish lifestyle for a week! I visited a spanish birthday, witnessed a wedding, ate a little piggy, had to re-adjust my biological clock, had siesta’s, ate tapas, drank calimocho‘s and Jose Cuervo, went to tikkie takkie, ate wierd blood sausage at a great bbq, saw a donkey, saw the prado museum, learned a little spanish and much much more!
Muchas gracias!!!!!
And the wierdest thing.. I left with more presents than I arrived with!? Ofcourse there are lots of pictures!
Maandag vertrek ik voor een ‘fun-filled’ weekje naar Madrid, de perfecte vakantielocatie! Feesten, cultuur, kunst.. noem maar op en Madrid heeft het! Met een aantal leuke lokale gidsen erbij kan het niet beter!!!
Hasta la próxima semana!!
Hop, weer een vakantietje geregeld. volgende week ga ik een weekje naar Madrid, gezellig op bezoek bij Ana :-) En het belooft wat te worden. In een week tijd moet ik diverse parken zien, musea, een aquaduct nabij Madrid, de telefoon (!), ‘s werelds op-één-na-grootste vismarkt, paella eten, siësta’s houden, sangria drinken, de Sevillanas dansen, rond middernacht eten, zwemmen in het zwembad, kennis maken met Gloria en haar vriendinnen, etc. etc. :-p
Uiteraard ook een klein beetje spaans proberen op te pikken, als voorbereiding van een ooit nog aan te leren nieuwe taal… Ik heb er extreem veel zin in!
What is a man to do when a nice German girl invites him to visit her for a weekend to attend the Oktoberfest celebrations and at the same time experience and explore München. Clearly I was very happy to accept the invitation. Just why do they celebrate the October party at the end of September? Well, I don’t care and because of the typical high alcohol consumption I don’t think anyone will really care.
Just one and a half month more, and it’s party time again! :-D
Wieder zurück
Die läste Wochenende war ich in Prague, zuzammen mit Zuza und Fran. Es war eine super tolle Wochenende, und wir habe viel spaß gemacht. Ich habe auch noch etwas Deutsch gelehrt. ‘Ein mass’ müss ich die nächste mal wenn ich in Deutschland bin bestellen :-)
Und naturlich hab ich die bilder jetzt online gesetzt. Bis die nächste mal, vielleicht im Amsterdam/Leiden oder im München?!
Prague again
This afternoon I’ll be leaving for yet another visit to the beautiful and cozy Prague. I had been thinking about going by train, but decided to scrap that idea. If I would travel via Fran in Germany it would take me almost 16 hours of travel including 6 or 7 changeovers, costing me way to much time. By air the trip will take me just a little hour.
This time I will visit Zuza together with Franziska, so it promises to be a nice weekend filled with tourist attractions, combined with a nice doze of German and Czech language. Of course I’ll go and find the typical Absinth spoon which I need to perform the perfect Absinth drinking ritual.
Absinth ritual
Naturally I brought a bunch of souvenirs from my weekend in Prague. One of the souvenirs is a small special bottle of ‘Absinth – The Green Fairy’. Since a few days I know that you don’t just drink Absinth just like that. No! There is ritual you need to follow, and if there’s something I like it’s rituals. :-)
This is the official (Czech) Absinth ritual:
· Fill up a very small glass with 1/4 of Absinth.
· Place a special teaspoon on top of the glass, and place a little cube of sugar on top of the teaspoon.
· Poor 1/4 of Absinth over the sugar cube that is hanging above the Absinth.
· Light the sugar cube and let it burn for a while (like a minute).
· When the sugar cube starts to turn to caramel extinguish the fire and stir the sugar through the Absinth.
· Add some ice cold water to the Absinth and it is ready to drink. Enjoy!
To illustrate:
The spoon with the sugar is on top of the glass. After poring some absinth over it you simply burn the sugar… wait a little and that stir everything together. That’s it. Be careful though… there is a rumor that says you might get drunk very fast.
Nazdravje! Na zdraví!
To bad it’s over already. My very nice weekend visiting Prague went past way to fast. At least I enjoyed myself a lot and I’m already looking forward to next month when I will visit Zuza again. Next month I will not take the plane (time required: 1:10) but I’ll take the train (time required: 12:00), because I’ll be going together with Francesca. The funny thing is that I cannot recall her, but after some mails she reassured me that she would recognize me. Well, at least we’ll have something to talk about while we spend a lot of time sitting in the train.