Geocaching is a hobby that really has two sides to it. One is hiding something and publishing the location and some hints on where to find it on the geocaching website. The other part is going out to find hidden caches. There are really a lot of caches out there and almost certain in Holland you’ll find one close near your location. To find a cache you can use your phone or a gps receiver and search for the published coordinates.
Last week I went to search for my first caches and it was quite fun! Some caches are hard to find because they are very small or well hidden but others are much easier. It is nice to go somewhere you normally would not venture. At some caches you can leave your name, or make a trade of some small item inside.
leuk spel! Hoorde gisteren dat er ergens in het land iemand iets verstopte dat werd opgemerkt door anderen en die het niet vertrouwden, zeker toen de ‘dader’ wegrende, en 112 gebeld werd……