ezDatepad is the next evolution for datepad. In functionality we took one little step back, but in technology we took lots of steps forward.
ezDatepad: Simplicity meets boundless potential.
ezDatepad is a text editor combined with a calendar — simple yet powerful. The data you store, whether related to the present, past, or future, aids in memory, planning, and evaluating your thoughts and actions. Use ezDatepad as a planning tool, diary, journal, or a way to assess your past. It’s perfect for creating shopping lists, jotting down phone numbers, names, or ideas quickly.
The most important functionality is all available in just two screens. One with an overview of everything you have recorded in the past, the present and/or for the future. This is the list you can browse or search through to get quick insights. The other screen is the editor used to view, create or modify entries.

The top of the summary page shows you the search bar. Here you can search through all your entries. Simply type what you are looking for, and the list of entries will be limited to entries that match your search. The search bar will match any text that is inside your entries, and where are some extra options to search for dates or times directly. To search for a date simply type the numbers of the date in the search bar, in the format year, month (with leading 0), day (with leading 0) (yyyymmdd). Here are some examples:
Search ‘20110815’: Search for all entries for the 15th of August 2011, and entries that contain the literal text ‘20110815’.
Search ‘20151206’: Search for all entries for the 6th of December 2015, regardless of year, and entries that contain the literal text ‘20151206’.
Search ‘201810’: Search for all entries for October 2018, and entries that contain the literal text ‘201810’.
Search ‘0629’: Search for an entry for the 29th of June, regardless of year, and entries for the time 06:29, and entries that contain the literal text ‘0629’.
The overview screen shows you a small summary of all the entries you have made. The summary is simple, three lines with the first part of the text it is referring to. To be able to fit more data into the summary, only in the summary the newlines are removed. Click the summary to go to the full page.
The top of the screen also contains the menu. click on the three vertical dots to open the menu. Here you find various options to create new entries.
Entry for the current date
Entry for the current time
Entry for a different time, for the current day
Entry for a different day, either in the past or in the future
Entry for a different time and day, in the past or in the future
The editor screen is simple. You can see the selected date and time in the top of the page. Next to the title there is an option to share the entry. Using the share option you can send your entry to any other application. On the right top of the screen there is the main menu again, indicated by three vertical dots. Using the menu you can navigate to the overview or create additional entries. On the center of the screen you have a big area for writing. The keyboard is displayed at the bottom of the page. If you slide down over the text the keyboard will be hidden. Simply click on the text to return the on-screen keyboard. The action button will take you back to the overview screen.
There is also an option to the settings, or to read more about the app.
The settings screen only has two settings. One for the color scheme you want to use. By default the app uses the same color schema as your device. You can select dark or light mode. The other setting is for adjusting the behavior of the action button on the overview screen. The action button will create or edit the entry for the current day by default. You can change this so it creates/edits an entry for the current time instead.
The about screen contains all the things that are not that interesting, but nonetheless required. There is a privacy policy, a terms and conditions, and a big list with all the licenses related to all the parts used by the application.