The available batch programs are DOS based, and most of them will not work under any Windows-version. All available ZIP-files contain the executable and the C-source. A small description of the programs is available below.
The programs are intended to be used in batch files. Some are intended to be used in autoexec.bat.
Free – This program informs the user about the disk space available on a certain disk drive. Since this program is intended for older machines it will not recognize disks bigger than 2 Gigabytes.
Reboot – This program can be used to reboot your computer using a batch program, for example after changing the autoexec.bat file with a batch program.
Remline – This program removes a line from the screen, enabling a batch programmer to make good looking batch programs.
Sleep – This program suspends program execution for a number of (milli)seconds.
Timer – This program checks how long a certain program runs.
Today – This program prints the current day and/or time in a readable fashion.
Run – This program enables the user to run a number of programs in a batch form without needing a batch file.
These batch programs require DOS to be the main operating system. A DOS shell within Windows or any other operating system might not work, or might give unpredictable results.
Simply download and unzip the file. All zip files include the executable program and the C source file.
Download all batch applications (zip file)