One week challenge: Sunday

This is a post for my one week challenge.

[08:00] The kids once again wake up early, but thanks to YouTube we get a little bit extra time in the bed.

[09:00] Alex’ caterpillar has finished the entire plant. There is not a single leaf left. We lost the caterpiller for a while but Alex rediscovered it on the Aloe Vera plant. It was bungling on a leaf there and I suspect it will start its metamorphosis there.

[10:10] A classmate of Alex will ride in a mountainbike race today in Santa Brigida. We are going to watch and support him.

[13:30] The race is finished and Maikel did a really good job. We are heading back home.

[14:30] We all have dinner next door at grandma’s place. She make rice with rabbit and snails. After dinner I clean our windows. We went to the nearby park to play a little. Alan brought his footbal, and Alex his roller skates.

This is the last day. My one week challenge is now complete! But… as usual these kind of challenges always end in a challenge to someone else. I have my doubts, but I think I will do it anyway. I challenge the next generation! Annabel, Alex, Jack and Alan! They will probably never learn about this challenge so we will see. If you do read it, and want to participate, it is easy. For one entire week write down what you do every day. As detailed or as general as you want.

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