
I spend yesterday and this morning in Detroit… well, usually I tend to be a positive person and kind of focus on the good and not see the bad, but my experience in Detroit was incredible. There was no white. Everything that should have been white was gray of a brownish yellow. Detroit houses a very big factory of Ford… and that was made perfectly clear. My hotel was located in downtown Detroit, right next to a 7 lane road. The roads in Detroit were always very big, having multiple lanes, and where were few roads that had less then three lanes going in a single direction. In addition to the enormous amount of concrete and a huge amount of cars everywhere there was surprisingly little to do… a casino, a survival tour crossing the roads avoiding the potholes everywhere, and that’s it.

I also encountered quite a few burned down buildings and a few buildings that were demolished partly. Lets not forget I located another fall-out center, to safeguard the people against that nasty atomic radiation. In the middle of the city there were chimneys expulsing a greasy thick white smoke, just like the industrial areas near Rotterdam. The only difference being that in Detroit the chimney reached about 1 meter into the sky and you could literately hold your head in the fumes (which I did not test)

This morning I quickly left resulting in a very happy feeling.

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