Waar denk je aan?

Zon!Deze vraag was mij vorige week een paar keer gesteld. ‘Waar denk je aan’, alleen dan in het Engels. Meestal moest ik dan verklaren dat mijn gedachte leeg waren. Ik denk vaak helemaal niks, maar soms had ik toch wel een gedachte om in de groep te gooien.

Vandaag zat ik in de auto, naar een CD te luisteren die ik cadeau gekregen had met de kerst. Het was een CD met vage Peruaanse muziek, maar in één nummer zong iemand dat ze midden in de zon zat. Echt vaag, want dat was ook precies mijn gedachte vorige week, en toen was ik er stellig van overtuigt dat het een merkwaardig idee betrof.

Poe!Center Of The Sun by Poe

Young girl in the market
Music to the men
When the men leave
Her eyes are red
When her eyes are closed again
she sees the dark market of above (violins)

And she sings
They say the most horrible things
But I hear violins, when I close my eyes
I am at the center of the sun
And I cannot be hurt
By anything this wicked world has done?

Young boy in the market
Follows all the men
When the men leave
He’s out of his head
When his eyes are closed again
he sees the dark market of above (violins)

And he sings
They break the most beautiful things
But I hear violins, when I close my eyes
I am at the center of the sun
And I cannot be hurt
By anything this wicked world has done
I look into your eyes
And I am at the center of the sun
And I cannot be hurt
By anything this wicked world has done?

(Center of the sun)

Young boy in the market
Sees the girl alone
And asks her
Have you lost your way home?
She sings
You say the most beautiful things, just like my violins?

I look into your eyes
I am at the center of the sun
And I cannot be hurt
By anything this wicked world has done

When I close my eyes
I am at the center of the sun
And I cannot be hurt
By anything this wicked world has done

I hear violins
I hear violins

I hear violins
I hear violins

(Center of the sun)

I hear …violins

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