iPhone 4

iPhone4!Big changes are usually followed by smaller changes. The same is true for my phone. I used to be very happy with the most basic phone I could find. Less is more in this area. A simple phone like my old Nokia is easier to use, has less parts that can break down, is cheaper, survives a tumbling and will never be stolen.

Thanks to my brother I have switched sides and I now walk around with a computer in a very fashionable design. An iPhone. Now I have access to wassap, facebook, google, shopping, banking, games, and everything a digital consumer might just want or need. I even typed this post on the iPhone. I was always a bit skeptic but I have changed my mind and plan to embrace the new digital era.

2 thoughts on “iPhone 4

  1. Excellent. Now you can keep in touch with Alex and Ana where ever you are. Even if you don’t use it when you get home, at least this will help you keep more in touch. Well Done.

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