Milan & Alitalia

Alitalia!Milan was really nice. After our arrival at Malpensa airport I quickly realized that I misjudged the temperatures. There was quite a lot of snow lying around and clearly my expectation that it would be warmer in Milan compared to Holland was wrong.

In addition to being the fashion capital of the world it seems that Milan is also the worlds most maintained city. All the mayor sites were being renovated and everything was covered by scaffolding. As a result there was very little to see. The cold and frequent rain also did not add to a very nice holiday feeling.

Luckily the pizzas, cappuccino, tiramisu and other Italian treats compensated for the weather. Because of the total lack of people understanding or speaking English you really get a feeling of being in a strange country. Some pictures of Milan.

The only thing that really gave a negative touch to this holiday was the travel back home. It is always sad when a holiday reached its ending, but this time it was worse. First I checked myself in way ahead of time at the business class desk of Alitalia :-p. Then the waiting started, and I waited and waited… until well past the scheduled take off time. When finally the boarding of the plane commenced my seat had also been given to someone else! On top of the seat problems the luggage of two other passengers was lost and then my new seat could be moved backwards, but it was a one way more. Putting the back straight was not an option. Argh.

Eventually I arrived at Schiphol. A lot of rain greeted me to my normal life.

5 thoughts on “Milan & Alitalia

  1. Heb je nog foto’s gemaakt van de stellages? :P
    Dat is denk ik het risico van laat in het jaar op vakantie gaan.

  2. Duomo!
    Dit is hem; de meest imposante grote kerk in Milano; de Duomo… Gelukkig zag ie er van binnen nog steeds ERG indrukwekkend uit. Je zou er spontaan van gaan geloven, want zoiets als dit kan bijna niet door mensen gemaakt zijn.

  3. Berg, ik zie dat je Anna het typische borrel genoootschap groet heb geleerd. Nu moet ze hem nog in de praktijk gaan toepassen

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