This year every month has passed in a record time. It was the year where I started to again pick up my online activity. I wrote entries in my blog every month and published an iPhone app. Slowly things are returning to normal, and I think this is mainly because the kids are growing up. Suddenly I have more and more moments where I find myself with some spare time, a situation that I missed for years.

The coming year with be a milestone for me. I will reach 50 years! My desire is to continue with my hobbies and to slowly make more time for them. I also want to put in use the new word I learned in 2024, ‘Maridaje‘. Ever since Alex went with his godfather to a restaurant with a Michelin star, and Alex later told me about the experience, it has turned into something I simply need to experience. I’m lucky because we have a restaurant with a star quite close to where we live, so there is really nothing stopping me.

December ’24

This month Alan celebrated his ninth birthday! He is growing up lightning fast. We had a few celebrations and Alan received a huge amount of cool gifts. He got a new tablet, a semi professional metal detector, a bike, various football accessories, and quite a lot of cash. We celebrated his birthday twice, first with a barbecue in the center of the island with family and friends, and the next day playing a laser-game with his schoolmates.

I suffered this December because I made the mistake to take part in the Bestial race. It resulted in a couple of painful days, but I will try and remember it as being a spirit building exercise.

Right before Christmas we got a taste of the real Christmas spirit because we went ice skating. Half an hour on the ice and afterwards a massive amount of rain made me feel like I was almost at the north pole, well, maybe not exactly, but it for sure did not resemble a tropical island. Ice skating was fun. I was amazed I managed to stay on my feet but I did.

We ended this month visiting family in Madrid. During our stay we also visited Mago Pop (Wizard Pop). My kids had seen his performance before, but for me it was the first time, and even being quite skeptical about magic I was pretty amazed.

After the Bestial race

Wow, the day of the Bestial race I was mentally disconnected while Alan was celebrating his birthday with his class mates. I remember they went to play with lasers in Hangar 37, but I don’t remember any specifics. I remember arriving home, going to bed and just sleeping. The next day my muscles hurt. They hurt while moving around, and while standing still. An annoying pain that simply was all over my body. I decided to simply take it easy. The next day was a Monday, so I had to head over to work. The pain I experienced yesterday had somehow doubled. Another day of suffering, hoping that the next day would be easier. Still wondering why I did it. I found out my time was 1:29:31, but it felt like the entire trial took a lot more time.

I made a couple of videos before and after the event, and Alex took some videos of me starting with the trails and when I arrived at the finish. so there was enough material for a new YouTube video!

Bestial race

Bestial race!With a colleague, I did the Bestial race today. He convinced me, and I actually assumed I would beat him easily, thus having a fun story for the coming months. The race took place in Arucas, a nearby town. 6 KM running and a few obstacles. At the start, it immediately became clear why my variant was called ‘hell’. Directly through pits and small hills, holes with mud, crawling under low bridges, jumping and diving, pushing tires while crawling, etc. Before the running started, I was already exhausted. The running afterward also turned out to be uphill, with wet shoes and socks, along a small path. There were also a few obstacles here: carrying a 20-kilo stone ball over an extra route, carrying a jerry can with 20 liters of water over yet another extra route, climbing over a two-meter wall, and several obstacles where you had to grab objects with your hands to avoid touching the ground and still ‘climb’ about 6 meters forward. Super difficult. Right before the end there were another two huge containers with water, and a lots of other obstacles, and then we finally arrived at the finish. What a relief. We did it!

After the race we rushed to another event, a birthday party for Alan. I was physically present, but I can’t remember much of it. I do remember being dead tired wondering why I never realised that ‘hell’-difficulty must be something pretty difficult and undesirable. I wondered why I ever signed up for this…